Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Week

Sorry,I have been "MIA" in "blogland" this week. A week ago I woke up with bad sinus headaches, drainage, sore throat and just all around feeling tough. I tried to hit it with over the counter meds and thought maybe it was getting better. By Friday night I realized I was losing the battle. Monday went to the dr. and got some antibiotics and have started recovering. I am still very weak and still have some slight symptoms but I am improving:O)

Here is what I have been doing all week. Really exciting, I know, but that's about all I have been up to doing.
* SLEEPING...(so glad Myron didn't think to take any pictures of THAT!!)
*Five Alive( prescription from Dr. Kim)
*Vicks and Nyquil,kleenex,and LOTS of cough drops (the old standbys)
*My laptop
( thank you everyone for keeping up with your blogs...Has given me something to read,along with facebook)
*Little House on the Prairie marathon
(started out with season 1 from Deb,then Sunday Patricia sent Seasons 2-4 home with a neighbor from church,
I own seasons 5-8 so by the time I am up and going again I should be an authority on Little House! :O)
With several sleepless nights they have been such a blessing!
Hope everyone else is well. I have heard a few reports of others with sickness. Hope spring comes really soon!!!

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Porters said...

We've been missing you on here! Hope you get to feeling better soon! We'll be praying for you!

Candace said...

Looks like u have everything ya need there!
We luv Little House! ...own every season except 1 & 2...they're really cheap on eBay.
Keep getting better! :)

tiff said...

so that's why you've been MIA!

come back soon!