Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Sundays

My Sundays are such a blessing( I'm usually exhausted by the end of the day BUT I wouldn't have it ANY OTHER WAY !!!) Beth, Debbie, Linda and I are the regular Sunday morning nursery crew. Then on Sunday afternoon our Spanish have two services and Beth and I regularly stay with the help of Nancy, Linda, sometimes and a couple of precious Spanish ladies. We do have a good time though sometimes a little hair raising. Last Sunday I took just a few pictures. They didn't turn out as good as I had hoped,but you will see a few of our sweet babies.

This is the newest member of MA. He is just a week old.
We had the twins again. They are just as cute as they can be. They are walking now.
We were so surprised !
And our Angel !! He is going to be out growing the nursery soon. We have had him since he was just a couple of weeks old. MOST of the time it makes us sad when they graduate! This is one of those times.
The other twin.... He didn't pose very well for me.... He was WAY too busy!

I am so blessed to enjoy these babies. Watching them move from the baby side of the nursery,to the toddler side, then on out of the nursery to class. I love them all!
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. sarah . said...

Cute kiddos!

Anonymous said...

Glad your well enough to be back blessing the nursery.

Coffee Bean said...

ME TOO!I look forward to our Sunday afternoons together!

Candace said...

Sweet little new member...I can't wait to hold him! :)

A Moment In Time said...

Kids bring a lot of sunshine into our lives. :)