As I said earlier today, Tenille is in Alaska visiting her sister Cyndi so the boys are staying at Grandpa and Grandma's a couple of days. While Ryan is doing school Reed played all morning then this afternoon he wanted to watch "Zebra in the Kitchen" One of his favorites at grandma's house. But he can "multi-task". He built this lego tower while watching.

Reed loves ANYTHING to do with BALLS! Caught him tossing the ball.
Then I saw that I was also catching him in the mirror....

He also loves watching the birds. Cardinals are his favorites!

playing a little game

Ryan spent most of the day with school. It is 2:56 as I write this and he just brought his finished work and it is COMPLETE !!
One day down.....It went well!
Bible is the first subject of the day
He is learning to write a letter
I am so proud of that effort, Ryan. Looks like younger brother is busy learning too -- although it is less formal at this level. Aren't kids just the greatest. Good pics!
Way to go, Ryan and Reed!!! And Nana too! It's gotta be fun teaching them! Bryn
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